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Apple iPhone 7 Earphone Lightning Connector (4818952781924)

    Apple iPhone 7 Earphone Lightning Connector


    Apple's white in-ear headphones may not look very imposing. However, the genuine performance and quality of sound that they deliver is anything but ordinary. The ergonomic design keeps the genuine Apple EarPods comfortably secure just inside the ear, ensuring that even with a bounce in your step they will stay put. The md827ll/a EarPods are resistant to sweat, so they won't be damaged by an intense workout. The water resistance feature of the Apple headphones ensures they won't be damaged by a sudden downpour of rain. The Earpod's internal speakers were specially designed and engineered to minimize any sound loss while maximizing the output. You will get high-quality performance, including substantial bass and beautiful tone clarity with the original EarPods. You'll barely notice that all of this is coming from a slim cable, which is attaching the headphones to your media device's output jack. In addition to the high-quality output, you can also use the same set of headphones to make calls to friends or family. 


    Platform Mobile
    Compatible Brand Apple
    Number of Earpieces Double
    Form Factor In-Ear Only
    Frequency Response 20Hz-20kHz
    Features Microphone, On-Cable, Water Resistant, Sweat Proof, Playback Controls, Volume Control
    Color White
    Type Canal Earbud (In Ear Canal)
    Connectivity Lightning
    Manufacturer Color White